You wished for sweets, and now it's true - welcome to a land of treats just for you! It's sweet all day, but let's just say, outside they want treats too, in a not-so-nice way.

Welcome to Dessert Thief, a simple turn-based combat game where players fight enemies using desserts. Feed the enemies to satisfy them, eat your desserts to heal, or reclaim stolen treats. Buy ingredients to bake desserts, each with unique attack power and healing capabilities. Begin fully equipped with a variety of desserts, but restock wisely, especially for the ultimate challenge against the final boss!


WASD to move 

Shift to sprint

WASD, Arrow Keys, Enter, Esc and point-and-click to navigate items


Design/Audio - bluecub 

Programming - Jo3y49

Version 1.3 update: Fixed issue where if you use the last of an item, the menu breaks, and various other issues involving stealing that break the game. Fixed another glitch where game freezes occasionally when defeating an enemy. Fixed health resetting when changing levels. Added functionality to audio buttons. Fixed audio glitches.

Version 1.2 update: Fixed bakery displaying wrong money amount and not always letting you buy, a graphical glitch on some enemies, and winning battles not giving coin rewards. Also adjusted the shop inventory text placement and walls placement in levels.

Version 1.1 update: Prevented the easy, medium, and danger levels from crashing the game and removed the temporary walls blocking them. Also fixed the walls in the level not switching colors.


Dessert Thief Jam Release 10 MB
Dessert Thief 12 MB
Dessert Thief 12 MB

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